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Prefabricated Sewage Treatment Packages

Prefabricated Sewage Treatment Packages

  • Prefabricated Sewage Treatment Packages

    The Prefabricated Treatment Packages of ABSUN PALAYESH Engineering Company are in two categories: “industrial wastewater packages” and “sanitary wastewater packages”. These packages include different unit processes depending on the type and quality of effluent. Wastewater streams contains various pollutants such as chemical, physical and microbial pollution, which if discharged into the environment, will cause many environmental and health problems. The problems are including odor and microbial pollution in underground water, the growth and proliferation of algae in aquatic environments, as well as the threat to the life of fish and aquatic life as a result of the reduction of dissolved oxygen in the water. ABSUN PALAYESH Engineering Company designs, fabricates and installs these Packages with different capacities form metal, polyethylene or fiberglass materials (for small/moderate packages) and with concrete material (for large packages).


:The advantages of using ABSUN PALAYESH Engineering Company’s wastewater treatment packages are as follows

  • Less footprint despite increasing the efficiency of the system.
  • Implementation of prefabricated package (with fast installation on site).
  • Environmental friendly system providing all necessary governmental effluent discharge standards
  • Possibility of wastewater reuse for industrial or sewage wastewaters.
  • Cost effective systems reducing CAPEX and OPEX costs.
  • Easy operation due to automated control systems.
  • Use of latest technologies for industrial wastewater treatment


  • Residential towns, towers and complexes
  • Pharmaceutical and health industries
  • Refinery, Chemical and petrochemical industries
  • Administrative and commercial centers
  • Parks and entertainment centers
  • Food and complementary industries
  • Oil platforms
  • Hospitals
  • Power plants

:Implemented Processes

  • IFAS Wastewater treatment package
  • MBBR Wastewater treatment package
  • SBR Wastewater treatment package
  • AGAR Wastewater treatment package
  • Drip-filter or bio-tower Wastewater treatment package
  • Rotating biological disc (RBC) Wastewater treatment package
  • MBR wastewater treatment package