Signing the Contract for the Construction of the Industrial Wastewater Reuse Plant of KARUN Petrochemical Company

The contract for the construction of comprehensive industrial wastewater reuse plant for KARUN Petrochemical Complex was signed between Dr. Sedighizadeh (CEO of Karun Petrochemical Company) and Mr. Rezaei Far (CEO of ABSUN PALAYESH Engineering Company) in the presence of senior managers of BANDAR-e MAHSHAHR Petrochemical Economic Zone Organization and managers of the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Group (PGPIC).
At the beginning of this ceremony, Dr. Sedighizadeh said: We will be determined to become a green industry and will recycle all company's waste with advanced and up-to-date methods.
He added: Karun Petrochemical’s Industrial Wastewater Reuse Plant is one of the most unique and comprehensive plants in Iran’s petrochemical industry; using advanced oxidation chemical method (AOP) and also UV and ozone packages, have a good effect on the breakdown of Nitroaromatic and Aminoaromatic compounds in the Karun petrochemical effluent.
Mr Rezaei Far also pointed out the importance of this project and stated: It is honored of our group that Karun Petrochemical Company trusted us. He added: We will complete the construction of project according to the schedule.
It should be mentioned that the industrial effluent of KARUN Petrochemical Complex is one of the most polluting effluents of the Petrochemical Zone of BANDAR-e IMAM KHOMEINI. With the construction and operation of the Industrial Wastewater Reuse Plant by ABSUN PALAYESH Engineering Company, the recycled wastewater will be used directly as industrial water inside the complex.
Click here to view the news on the PGPIC website.