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Reverse osmosis (RO)

Reverse osmosis (RO)

  • Reverse osmosis (RO)

    Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that is particularly important in areas facing water scarcity, where the use of water-saving treatment systems is crucial. In water treatment systems using the reverse osmosis method, the incoming feed water stream is divided into two output streams: permeate (treated water) and concentrate/brine (saline wastewater). The higher the efficiency of the system, the lower the amount of brine or wastewater generated, but the efficiency of the system varies in different systems based on certain design constraints, such as the TDS level of the raw feed water, the amount of silica in the raw water, the required quality of treated water, etc. In some large industrial projects that require the treatment of high volumes of raw water with high salt content, RO systems are used. However, due to design limitations, the efficiency of these systems may be low (around 35%), and a significant amount of the incoming raw water (approximately 65%) is discharged as brine, resulting in substantial water wastage. This level of water loss, at a time when the world is facing water scarcity, poses a serious threat to the environment.


RO Brine Recovery systems are used to address the aforementioned issue. RO Brine Recovery systems are designed to prevent water wastage, especially in large projects where a significant volume of brine is generated. In these systems, the brine wastewater from existing RO systems is treated by another RO system.

Due to the high salinity of RO brine, RO Brine Recovery systems typically employ Sea Water Series) SW (membranes and high-pressure pumps to meet the required pressure levels.

In BWRO (Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis) projects, the re-treatment of brine wastewater using RO Brine Recovery systems requires the provision of high pressure due to the high salinity of the brine.

To reduce electricity consumption in these systems, Energy Recovery Boosters (ERBs) can be used alongside high-pressure pumps. The function of this device is to utilize the high-pressure brine discharge from the membranes to supply the required feed pressure to the membranes.

As a result, the high-pressure pump in the RO Brine Recovery system consumes less electrical energy. The operation of the Energy Recovery Booster (ERB) is depicted below.

An example image of an RO Brine Recovery system by ABSUN PALAYESH Company with an Energy Recovery Booster (ERB) under construction is also provided.

The design, fabrication, installation, and commissioning of this system have been carried out for the CHADORMALU Industrial Mining Complex with a treatment capacity of 200 m 3 /hr of wastewater and the production of approximately 80 m 3 /hr of freshwater.

The image depicts the RO Brine Recovery system with an Energy Recovery Booster (ERB) during
construction for the CHADORMALU Industrial Mining Complex. The system has a treatment capacity of 200 m 3 /hr of wastewater and produces around 80 m 3 /hr of freshwater.


  •  Treatment of RO Brine
  •  Water Conservation
  •  Increased Freshwater Production

:Technical Specifications

RO Brine Recovery systems have the same technical specifications as RO systems, with the difference that, due to the high salinity of RO brine, these systems typically utilize Sea Water Series) SW(membranes and larger, high-pressure pumps to meet the required pressure levels.

:System includes

Pre-treatment: Filtration system to remove potential suspended particles present in the brine.
Chemical Injection Package: European injection pump, polyethylene tank, electro-mixer, and chassis for chemical dosing.

High-pressure Pump: Reputable European brands or FEDCO from the United States.
Semi-permeable Membranes: FILMTEC membranes from the United States.
Pressure Vessels: CODELINE brand from the United States for housing the membranes.
Instrumentation: Reputable European brands like GF and E&H for accurate measurements.
PLC and Electrical Control System: Well-known European brands such as SIEMENS and SCHNEIDER for the control and automation of the system.

These technical specifications ensure the efficient and reliable operation of RO Brine Recovery systems for treating brine wastewater and recovering usable water resources.
